The City of Sarasota will be holding a public information workshop on Wednesday, June 21st at 5:00pm. The Parklets Information Meeting will be to present information on upcoming changes to the parklet program, as well as solicit moderated feedback in a Q&A Session.
We desperately need your support to keep Sarasota vibrant! The nearly 200,000 people patronizing, 50+ jobs and hundreds of thousands of sales-tax dollars collected are worth fighting for!
Please join us at this meeting, located at City Hall (1565 1st Street, Sarasota, FL 34236) to show your support for outdoor dining. We will be asking everyone to wear a specific color in support. Check back the week before the meeting for additional details.
Thank you very much for your continued support. It is our plan to continue to improve the atmosphere of downtown by enhancing the Parklets our community wants.
Parklet Dining in Sarasota:
Provides 40+ Full-time jobs in the City of Sarasota.
Keeps 200+ Seats available for dining outdoors (that otherwise vanish if Parklets are not kept).
Welcomes 180,000+ consumers who shop local merchants on their way to/from dining. (Without these seats, these consumers look to areas outside the City that do continue to enhance outdoor seating. All businesses in the City lose patronage and eyes on their business if we lose these wonderful guests.)
Maintains considerable sales taxes that support our local community and infrastructure.
Assists guests with underlying health issues who may only enjoy restaurant experiences outdoors.
Thank you for supporting local businesses.
Thank you for supporting outdoor dining in Sarasota.
Thank you for supporting Local jobs.